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“Everybody needs Personalised Care. My family are amazed at how far we’ve come”. Lucy

Imagine a world where you…

  • are the most important person in your health and care.
  • are not just seen as a condition or on a pathway but as a person with different experiences and strengths.
  • only have to tell your story once and the focus of the conversation is what matters to you and what’s important to you, not what’s wrong with you.
  • have support to build your knowledge, confidence, and skills to look after your health and wellbeing, tailored only to you.
  • can make a shared and informed decision about your health and care options with doctors, nurses and healthcare professionals (HCPs) who see you as an equal and active partner in your life and care.

What is Personalised Care?

Understanding ‘what matters to you’ is central to personalised care.

Building on your strengths and promoting your independence.

Choice plays a big factor in everyday life, and it should be no different when it comes to decisions about the care you receive for your physical or mental health.

It is a whole system approach that will allow a number of services across health, social care, public health and community to be linked together around you.

The aim is to shift from a one-size-fits-all health and care system and deliver better outcomes and experiences to you.

Personalised Care and the NHS Long Term Plan

Personalised care represents a major practical change to the NHS and is a key driver of the NHS Long Term Plan.The NHS Long Term Plan states that people will get more control over their own health, and more personalised care when they need it. The NHS has developed a comprehensive model of personalised care. It says that people will access personalised care through six approaches which are:

  1. Patient choice.
  2. Shared decision making.
  3. Supported self-management and self-care.
  4. Social prescribing and community-based support.
  5. Personalised care and support planning.
  6. Personal health budgets and integrated personal budgets.

Explore our Personalised Care pages to find out how YOU can take control of YOUR health and care and work with us to improve services by joining My Life Choices.
