
Welcome to the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Care Board’s (ICB) Coproduction Page.
Here you will find information about what coproduction is and how to get involved with our coproduction work. You can also read our Coproduction Strategy 2022 – 2024, a document which sets out our aims for working in a coproduced way over the next two years.
Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICB Coproduction Strategy 2022 – 2024
Contact us using our Support Request Form.

NEW: Listening Events
A big thank you to everyone who came along to share their ideas, views and experience with us at our listening events.
What happened at the events?
At the events we listened to people’s views, opinions and ideas about strategic coproduction. Using three questions to prompt discussion about a particular part of coproduction we captured people’s opinions, ideas and suggestions on post it notes and flipchart paper. Attendees moved to each table during the session so that everyone had a chance to discuss each question.
People who attended could talk about anything to do with coproduction, they were not limited to the suggested questions.
What questions were asked at the tables?
Table 1 – Thinking about strategic coproduction, what do you think is needed? What approaches do you think work well or don’t work well?
Table 2 – What do you think needs to be included in the coproduction toolkit or training and learning resources about coproduction?
Table 3 – In your experience of coproduction, what are some challenges you think need to be overcome? What are your ideas and suggestions for future coproduction work? How can we work to improve coproduction approaches?
What did you hear at the events?
The notes from each listening event can be found below:
Why did we hold listening events?
We wanted to understand people’s views and opinions about coproduction locally, to build a picture of what coproduction looks like across Nottingham and Nottinghamshire and to review our progress over the last two years.
Our current Coproduction Strategy runs from 2022-2024 and is due to be refreshed ready for April 2025. The information we heard at the listening events will inform the refresh of the strategy, and the approach to the next two years.
I would like to get involved in the Coproduction Strategy Refresh
If you would like to be involved in this work, email
NEW: Celebrating and Learning from Coproduction: July 2023 to July 2024
Inspired by Coproduction Week 2024, the ICB’s Coproduction Team have celebrated all things coproduction!
In this Celebration of Coproduction, you will find:
- Examples of coproduction across the Integrated Care System.
- Stories from the people doing it – lived experience experts and staff.
- Tools and resource to support you on your coproduction journey.
- Opportunities you to get involved!
Thank you to everyone that has contributed to this celebration – we couldn’t have done it without you.
NEW: Coproduction Week 2024

Monday 1 July 2024 marked the start of Coproduction Week. The theme this year was #whatsmissing – looking at how to increase equity and diversity in coproduction and to make coproduction meaningful.
To celebrate, we curated a number of free events, including:
- Lunch & Learn Session: Top Tips for Engaging with Children and Young People. Delivered by Anna Stancill, Youth Development Worker at Newark and Sherwood Community and Voluntary Service (CVS). The recording of this session is now available.
- Drop-In Session with the Coproduction Team
- Lunch and Learn Session: Top Tips for Involving Refugees & Asylum Seekers. Delivered by Halima Hamza, Volunteer Interpreter & General Advisor and Ophélie Allard, Fundraising Coordinator at Nottingham Refugee Forum. The recording of this session is now available.
We also participated in Small Steps Big Changes ‘Getting Started with Meaningful Coproduction’ webinar. The webinar:
- Provided an understanding of meaningful coproduction and its impact on people’s lives.
- Helped participants develop confidence by identifying the skills and knowledge needed to work in a coproduced way.
- Showcased the power of coproduction from a lived experience perspective.
Whilst the sessions have come to an end, it is not too late to get involved. Keep an eye out for our Celebrating Coproduction document, take part in the Big Coproduction Conversation and have a look at our special edition Coproduction Week Newsletter.
What is Coproduction?
Coproduction means to work in equal partnership with people with lived experience in the development or design of new or existing services. The partners work together from the very beginning of the project and people with lived experience are involved at every stage.
What is ‘lived experience’?
Lived experience means you either have a health condition yourself and as a result have experience of using health and social care services in Nottingham or Nottinghamshire, or you have a relative or person you know or support who does. As a result of using those services you have insight and information about your experience which helps us inform our work from the beginning of the services being developed.
Another way of sharing your experience of using health services with us is by taking part in Engagement activities or through Patient Experience comments or complaints. You can find out more about those on our ICB Involvement pages.
Why do we want to work in a coproduced way?
Coproducing services with people with lived experience means that we can commission services that accurately reflect the needs of those using them, which leads to better health outcomes, it is also a cost-effective way of making sure we spend vital NHS money in the right way first time.
“The Integrated Care Board is committed to coproduction; we recognise the valuable insight that people with lived experience bring to service transformation and commissioning; and the important part this insight plays in contributing to our aim to improve the overall health and wellbeing of the people living in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire. As a Board we pledge to champion coproduction, to support the wider cultural change required of the organisation to achieve the aims in this strategy; and commit to reflect ourselves on how we can work in a way to support the cultural change needed to embed coproduction at a senior strategic level in the wider Integrated Care System.”- Statement of commitment from our ICB Board
Our ICB Coproduction Values and Principles
These principles have been coproduced with our Coproduction Working Group. These will be used when developing our coproduction processes.
- We will put people with lived experience, including carers, at the heart of all we do by valuing their skills, knowledge and interests and giving them an equal voice alongside those of paid employees to improve services.
- To work as equal partners, we need to be honest and open with each other to promote mutual trust.
- We will ensure a co-production plan is developed at the start of any new project or service and will be co-produced to its end.
- We will plan for and work to realistic timeframes for coproduction- recognising that coproduction will take time to do well.
- We will actively recruit or involve diverse voices in a meaningful way, to ensure everyone has a chance to shape our system and the services within it and ensure that anyone who wants to be involved is able to do so.
- We will use language, written information and other kinds of communication that works for all.
- To show that we value people’s voices, we will pay out of pocket expenses and offer involvement payments and reimbursement options for the time they give.
- We will support everyone to access training and support to enable them to develop their skills and knowledge.
- We will always tell people what has been achieved because of their contribution.
- We will work across the system, sharing knowledge and insight from different coproduction projects, to prevent duplication of work, and to show that co-production works.
Coproduction Toolkit
Whether you are new to coproduction or experienced in working in a coproduced way, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Care System’s Coproduction Toolkit has information and resources to support you on your journey.
It contains system information and learning in one place, to make it as easy as possible for equal partnership coproduction and cocreation to take place. To help you think and reflect on your individual coproduction groups, work and projects, you will find a mix of:
- Written resources
- External videos
- Links
- Thinking points
Hosted on a Future NHS platform, the Toolkit can be accessed by lived experience partners & anyone working in or for health, social care or VCSE organisations.
To request access, scan the QR code or complete the Support Request Form.
Coproduction Opportunities
1) Co-create a system wide co-production resource
Join us to co-create a system wide resource to allow the conditions for coproduction to grow.
During the first four sessions we:
- Started getting to know each other.
- Considered the background for the project.
- Thought about how to approach creating the resource.
- Began to get clarity on purpose.
- Identified conditions to make coproduction grow and those that didn’t.
- Started the Big Coproduction Conversation!
At the next session we will be having a look at what we found out during the Big Coproduction Conversation and using this information to shape the resource.
All participants will:
- Participate in a face-to-face session/s with staff from health, social care and voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations and people with lived experience.
- Share their knowledge and experience of coproducing with the group.
- Provide constructive challenge and insight.
Session details:
All session are face to face and take place between 12.30pm and 2.30pm on the following dates:
Tuesday 10 September 2024 (cancelled)
Tuesday 1 October 2024
Tuesday 5 November 2024
Tuesday 3 December 2024
To find out more about these face to face sessions and confirm your place, contact Helen in the coproduction team on
2) Join the Coproduction Network!
- Connects people who want to take part in coproduction with coproduction projects and work.
- Shares and celebrates completed coproduction work so others can learn from it.
- Creates connections across the health and care system. People who are coproducing can share, knowledge, ideas and information with each other. Helping us reduce duplication and save money and time.
- You can advertise and promote coproduction activity – helping you to reach people who want to take part.
- It’s a way of promoting any coproduction training courses that are being run which people can attend or join.
Frequently asked questions about the Coproduction Network
Who can join the Coproduction Network?
Anyone who is interested in coproduction who lives or works in the Nottingham or Nottinghamshire area, or anyone who uses health or care services in this area.
If I join the Coproduction Network, do I have to take part in coproduction?
No, you can join the network even if you don’t want to take part directly.
How can I promote my coproduction activity through the Coproduction Network?
Contact the Coproduction Team by using the Support Request Form in the ‘Contact Us’ section.
How do I share information with the Coproduction Network?
Contact the Coproduction Team by using the Support Request Form in the ‘Contact Us’ section.
3) Create content for the new Coproduction Toolkit
Are you a lived experience expert? Have you got recent experience of coproduction?
We are looking for lived experience experts to decide what information for people with lived experience is needed for the toolkit, and to then work to create that information and resources. At the moment this is a blank canvas so you have lots of scope to create new resources that will make an impact and encourage others to coproduce.
The Coproduction Toolkit is a collection of information and resources designed to help people who are new to coproduction and those that have coproduced before.
The aim of the information on the toolkit is to provide:
- Advice and guidance on coproduction approaches
- Involvement and coproduction Training and skills information
- Information about local and national coproduction approaches
- Real life examples of coproduction – case studies of existing coproduction learning.
If you would like to be involved or would like any more information about the toolkit, please fill in the Support Request Form in the ‘Contact Us’ section.
Coproduction Newsletter
To sign up to receive the newsletter or to request it in a different format or language, please email
Coproduction Case Studies
These case studies provide examples of coproduction in action, across the system. The case studies in series 1 provide insight into establishing a coproduction group, whilst the case studies in series 2 explore the emotional impact of coproduction – how it feels to those doing it.
Thank you to everyone that has taken the time to share their experience of coproducing, to support others on their coproduction journeys.
Series 1: Establishing a Coproduction Group
Series 2 – The Emotional Impact of Coproduction.
How you can coproduce with us
If you are interested in getting involved in future coproduction activity in 2024, please contact us using the Support Request Form.
Contact Us
Fill in the Support Request Form for information and guidance from the Co-production Team, including:
- Co-production resources and approaches
- Co-production event promotion
- Training or support
- Signposting
- Joining the Co-production Network
- Access to the Co-production Toolkit

Useful links
If you would like to find more information about how to get involved with the ICB in other ways, visit our involvement pages.
To find out information about Personalised Care visit our Personalised Care page.
Privacy Notice
We are committed to protecting your privacy and will only ‘process’ data (processing refers to how data is held, obtained, recorded, used and shared), in accordance with data protection legislation. To read our Privacy Notice please visit the Privacy Policy page of our website.
Key pieces of work in 2023
Coproduction Week, 3-7 July 2023
During Coproduction Week 2023 we hosted some great sessions, including:
- Coproduction Approaches for Service Improvement – Local Maternity & Neonatal Services and Maternity Voices Partnership
- Digital Storytelling Workshop
- How to Facilitate with Patients, Public and Participants with Lived Experience
- Equality and Diversity in Coproduction
- An Introduction to Coproduction for Service Transformation
Feedback from the sessions showed that people found the week interesting and useful, and it was a good opportunity to network and connect with colleagues from the ICB and wider system. The feedback we received will be used when planning this year’s event and any future sessions. The information will also inform the ongoing development of coproduction support materials for staff and people with lived experience.
The slides and information from Coproduction Week 2023 can be requested from the team via
Home Birth Listening Event July 2023
Nottingham University Hospitals (NUH) Maternity Service held a Home Birth Listening Event on19th July 2023 to hear in person the experiences of people who had used or been unable to use the Home Birth Service. A safe space was created to enable families to share their personal experiences and reflections about the Home Birth Service now and in the future.