Our Integrated Care Board

NHS Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Care Board (ICB) is a statutory body which brings together health and care organisations and partners to improve population health and establish shared priorities within the local health and care system.
We are the statutory organisation responsible for developing a plan for meeting the health needs of the population, managing NHS budgets, and buying the health services for our area. We use our combined resources to tackle some of the biggest health issues affecting local people across Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.
In line with the NHS Long Term Plan, we allocate resources and agree operational service plans for the Integrated Care System (ICS) to help improve performance and quality, whilst tackling health inequalities and improving health outcomes for all across Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.
Our Vision
Our neighbourhoods, places and system will seamlessly integrate to provide joined up care. Every citizen will enjoy their best possible health and wellbeing.
Our values
1. We will be open and honest
2. We will be compassionate and respectful
3. We will be empowered to be innovative
4. We will work collaboratively
Our Partners
There are big opportunities in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire to improve care by making it easier to see a health or care professional, getting a faster diagnosis, and offering help quicker to people with mental ill health. By working in partnership together we can help progress these opportunities for our citizens. To learn more about our partnership working please visit the Integrated Care System website.
Our partnerships are listed below