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Citizen Intelligence Advisory Group

The Citizen Intelligence Advisory Group (CIAG) ensure that all proposals to change and improve healthcare services in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire are developed with appropriate and sufficient citizen and service user involvement and citizen intelligence and insights from patients, staff, carers and public that tell us what matters to them are taken on board and have influenced decision making.

The CIAG will has a formal link to the Integrated Care Board and Integrated Care Partnership, supporting the delivery of citizen intelligence and insight reports to inform the commissioning of health and care services.

The membership of CIAG reflect the four Places and have a strong focus on health inequalities and the wider determinants that impact on health and wellbeing. Representation would also include the VCSE sector and Healthwatch Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.

Engagement Practitioners Forum

The Integrated Care System (ICS) Engagement Practitioners Forum provides a platform for all system partners working with people and communities to work collaboratively, share resources, knowledge and expertise and maximise existing knowledge and insights. Membership will be inclusive of NHS, local government (District, Borough, City and County Councils), Healthwatch, Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector and colleagues leading on patient experience and co-production.

Voluntary and Community and Social Enterprise Alliance

The Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) Sector have strong links with groups and communities, including those who are underserved and experiencing the greatest health inequalities. The VCSE Alliance are a group of VCSE organisations across Nottingham and Nottinghamshire that can act as a single point of contact to enable the generation of citizen intelligence from the groups and communities that they work with. The VCSE Alliance are an essential part of how the system operates at all levels. This will include involving the sector in governance structures and system workforce, population health management and service redesign work, leadership and organisational development plans. Find out more about our VCSE Alliance.
