Our Board

The ICB is a unitary board, which means all members are collectively and corporately accountable for organisational performance. The purpose of the board is to govern effectively and in doing so, build patient, public and stakeholder confidence that their healthcare is in safe hands.

The board will be responsible for:

  • formulating strategy for the organisation
  • holding the organisation to account for the delivery of the strategy; by being accountable for ensuring the organisation operates effectively and with openness, transparency and candour and by seeking assurance that systems of control are robust and reliable
  • shaping a healthy culture for the organisation and the wider ICS partnership.

Meet our board

Dr Kathy McLean, Chair
Dr Kathy McLean, OBE


Read more about Kathy

Kathy is the Chair of the ICB board as well as the Chair of Derby and Derbyshire ICB and a Non-Executive Director at Barts Health NHS Trust.

Prior to this Kathy was Executive Medical Director and Chief Operating Officer at NHS Improvement, the organisation responsible for providing leadership and support to NHS trusts. Before taking up those roles at NHS Improvement she was the Clinical Transitions Director working with Sir Bruce Keogh to build the NHS Commissioning Board, now NHS England.

Kathy was Medical Director at Derby Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust for over six years, where she was also a consultant physician from 1994 until 2009. Latterly she chaired the Trust Board until taking up her role at Derby and Derbyshire ICB.

In 2018 Kathy was awarded an OBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours for her services to leadership across the NHS.

Amanda Sullivan Chief Executive
Amanda Sullivan

Chief Executive

Read more about Amanda

Amanda Sullivan has a clinical background, working as a nurse and midwife before moving into senior management.

In 2001 Amanda was awarded a PhD for research investigating decision-making during pregnancy. In her capacity as a consultant midwife, Amanda worked at regional and national levels. She chaired a working group on behalf of the National Screening Committee, which developed national standards for ultrasound consent in pregnancy. Amanda has also edited midwifery academic text books.

Marcus Pratt

Interim Director of Finance

Read more about Marcus

Biography to follow

Lucy Dadge Director of Integration and Accountable Emergency Officer
Lucy Dadge

Director of Integration and Accountable Emergency Officer

Read more about Lucy

Lucy Dadge has previously worked as a director in acute and mental health trusts, as well within the strategic health authority and the civil service.

Lucy has undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, including an MBA in health services management. Lucy has non-executive experience in the education and housing sectors. She has broad experience of transforming health and care services, including being involved in the establishment of the mid-Nottinghamshire Better Together programme.

Lucy Dadge is the Accountable Emergency Officer (AEO) for Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICB. Lucy has the executive authority and responsibility for ensuring that the ICB complies with all emergency planning legal and policy requirements.

Rosa WAddingham Director of Nursing
Rosa Waddingham

Director of Nursing

Read more about Rosa

Rosa was previously the Director of Nursing at Nottingham and Nottinghamshire CCG.

Prior to this she was the deputy chief nurse and was the system strategic lead for integrated personalised commissioning, as an early adopter site Nottingham and Nottinghamshire CCGs led the work on the universal personalised care model and implemented early personal health budgets across the system. Before returning to the NHS in 2015 Rosa worked for a forces charity to lead the delivery or primary and community care in a variety of roles in primary and urgent care Rosa is passionate about people and developing person centred approaches to care.

Dave Briggs Medical Director
Dr Dave Briggs

Medical Director

Read more about Dave

Dave is a qualified GP who worked as a GP principle with an interest in ENT before becoming the Accountable Officer for the East Leicestershire and Rutland Clinical Commissioning Group. 

In Dave’s role at East Leicestershire and Rutland Clinical Commissioning Group, he was the system lead for both Urgent and Emergency care as well as for the Better Care Together System Programme.

More recently Dave has held roles within the Emergency Department as a practicing clinician and as the Medical Director for Professional Standards and System Improvement at at NHS England and NHS Improvement Midlands.

In all these roles Dave has led and supported clinical improvements and outcomes for the citizens of the Midlands.

Stephen Jackson Non Executive Member
Stephen Jackson

Non-Executive Member

Read more about Stephen

Stephen is a qualified accountant with a substantial knowledge of both the Public and Private sectors.  He has significant and varied board experience at both Executive and Non-Executive level working in highly complex business, legal and statutory environments.

After qualifying as an accountant Stephen joined Bass plc. and had several senior financial roles in the company’s HQ and hotel subsidiaries.

He has had a wide variety of posts since, including five years in Hong Kong as Chief Financial Officer and Head of Development and IT for Holiday Inn – Asia Pacific. He also held successful financial roles in Belgium, Germany, South Africa, Spain and the USA.

In 2003, Stephen joined Nottingham Trent University where he held the post of Chief Financial and Operations Officer with overall responsibility for Finance, Estates, Commercial Development, Legal, Registry, IT, and Governance Services.  He was also appointed as a member of the Board of Governors and the Academic Board. Stephen left NTU in 2016 and joined Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS FT as a Non-Executive Director. He went to become Vice Chair at Notts Healthcare and to Chair the Audit and Risk Committee.

Stephen also acts as Non-Executive Director / Governor with each of the following local organisations: –

  • Marketing NG (and Chair of F and GP);
  • The Nottingham Business Improvement District (BID) as Chair;
  • DHU Healthcare CIC;
  • Nottingham High School; and
  • Portland College.

Outside of work, Stephen is keen participant and spectator of sports of all kinds and has a passionate interest in environmental issues.

Jon Towler Non Executive Member and Vice Chair
Jon Towler

Non-Executive Member and Vice Chair

Read more about Jon

Jon graduated in 1991 from Reims Business School with a double degree in International Business Administration and then spent the early part of his career in international sales management.

Jon moved into general management roles in the late 1990s, spending eight years as a Director of the UK’s leading wholesaler of office products.

Jon has been involved with the NHS for more than thirteen years. Since 2015, Jon has been working in a non-executive capacity for multiple Clinical Commissioning Groups and he chaired the Governing Body of Nottingham and Nottinghamshire CCG.

Outside of work, Jon is married with two sons and lives in Nottinghamshire.

Caroline Maley Non Executive Member
Caroline Maley

Non-Executive Member

Read more about Caroline

Caroline retired from Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust in September 2021, where she served as Chair (2017 – 2021), Senior Independent Director and Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee (2014- 2017).

Her last executive role was as Chief Operating Officer for the National College for School Leadership, where she oversaw all corporate services and was a member of the strategic leadership team. Caroline was previously Chief Executive of Derbyshire Health United, the out-of-hours medical services provider in Derbyshire and has held non-executive roles within higher education and the private sector.

Professor Marios Androu Non Executive Member
Professor Marios Adamou

Non-Executive Member

Read more about Marios

Professor Adamou OBE is a Consultant Psychiatrist in neurodevelopmental psychiatry (ADHD and ASD) at South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.

Marios has over 10 years of NHS Board Level experience having served at East Riding CCG, Northumberland CCG and Wigan CCG where was also the Chair of Quality Committee. He completed master level degrees in Mental Health Studies (MSc), History (MA), Medical Law (LL.M) and Business Administration (MBA). He has postgraduate certificates in Medical Education (PGCE), Risk Management (IRMCert), Philosophy, Public Health and Heath Economics. He completed a PhD by research.He is a Fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists (FRCPsych), Royal College of Physicians (FRCP), Faculty of Occupational Medicine (FFOM), Higher Education Academy (FHEA), the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA) and the Royal Society of Public Health He is a Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute (CMgr FCMI) and Chartered Fellow of the Institute of Directors (CDir FIOD).

Ifti Majid NHS Trust and Foundation Trust Partner Member
Ifti Majid

NHS Trust and Foundation Trust Partner Member

Read more about Ifti

Ifti is a partner member of the Board bringing a perspective of Mental Health and Community Care Services. Ifti is Chief Executive of Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, one of the largest mental health and community Trusts in England, employing more than 9,000 staff and providing services from over 257 locations. Formerly Chief Executive of Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, and mental health nurse by background, Ifti has significant experience of effective leadership. He also holds a number of national positions, including Chair of the NHS Confederation’s Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Network, and Co-Chair of their BME Leadership Network.

Dr Kelvin Lim Primary Care Partner Member
Dr Kelvin Lim

Primary Care Partner Member

Read more about Kelvin

Kelvin is a partner member of the Board bringing a perspective of general practice, Primary Care Networks, dental, community pharmacy and optometry.

Dr Kelvin Lim is an experienced and practising GP as well as Medical Director of local NHS provider, Primary Integrated Community Services (PICS).

Kelvin has been based in Eastwood Primary Care Centre (EPPC) since 1991, having qualified from the University of Nottingham in 1986. During this time he has been part of two successful practice mergers and he has set up EPPC as a training practice. He is skilled in Healthcare Information Technology, Family Medicine, Primary Care, Emergency Medicine, and Medicine. Kelvin has special interests in Respiratory Medicine and Cardiology, and has success with running an acupuncture service in Eastwood for pain relief.

Kelvin started up PICS with longstanding colleague and EPCC’s Practice Manager, Alison Rounce, to provide community services to their local patients. Wholly owned by over 130 Partners in General Practice within Nottinghamshire, the mission of PICS is to provide quality, safe and personalised services for the benefit of the patient, not for profit. Kelvin believes change and improvement comes from harnessing the passion of health care colleagues to improve the patient journey.

Paul Robinson NHS Trust and Foundation Trust Partner Member
Paul Robinson

NHS Trust and Foundation Trust Partner Member

Read more about Paul

Paul is a partner member of the Board bringing a perspective of Hospital and Urgent and Emergency Care Services.

Paul is Chief Executive of Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation and has worked in the NHS for more than 30 years. Bringing wide experience in Executive role across all sectors of healthcare, he has a strong track record of financial performance and delivery. Paul is a Chartered Management Accountant and has held the post of Chief Executive since September 2021.

Melanie Williams Local Authority Partner Member
Melanie Williams

Local Authority Partner Member

Read more about Melanie

Melanie is a partner member of the Board bringing a perspective of social care needs and health and wellbeing characteristics of people living in market towns and rural towns.

Melanie joined Nottinghamshire County Council in January 2019.

Melanie leads Adult Social Care and Health, delivering health and care to Adults, their carers and families, including the most vulnerable residents in Nottinghamshire. Working in partnership with providers, voluntary sector organisation and health services is a key part of Melanie’s role with a focus on commissioning a sustainable social care market as well as directly providing social care support. Melanie places importance on championing the voice of people needing social care by engagement with them, shaping, influencing and implementing policy and Council services.

To be Confirmed

Local Authority Partner Member

Meeting Dates and Papers


13 March 2025

9am – 12.30pm at Rushcliffe Arena, Rugby Road, West Bridgford, NG2 7YG

Click here for the Agenda and Papers

09 January 2025

9am – 12.30pm at Rushcliffe Arena, Rugby Road, West Bridgford, NG2 7YG

Click here for the Agenda and Papers

14 November 2024

9am – 12.30pm at Chappell Meeting Room, Arnold Civic Centre, Arnot Hill Park, Arnold, Nottingham, NG5 6LU

Click here for the Agenda and Papers

12 September 2024

9am – 12.30pm at Rushcliffe Arena, Rugby Road, West Bridgford, NG2 7YG

Click here for the Agenda and Papers

11 July 2024

9am – 12.00pm at Rushcliffe Arena, Rugby Road, West Bridgford, NG2 7YG

Click here for the Agenda and Papers

09 May 2024

9am – 12.30pm at Chappell Room, Civic Centre Arnot Hill Park Nottingham Road, Arnold, Nottingham NG5 6LU

Click here for the Agenda and Papers


14 March 2024

10am-1pm at Chappell Room, Civic Centre Arnot Hill Park Nottingham Road, Arnold, Nottingham NG5 6LU

Click here for the Agenda and Papers

11 January 2024

9am – 12pm at 9am – 12pm at Chappell Room, Civic Centre Arnot Hill Park Nottingham Road, Arnold, Nottingham NG5 6LU

Click here for the Agenda and Papers

9 November 2023

9am – 12pm at 9am – 12pm at Chappell Room, Civic Centre Arnot Hill Park Nottingham Road, Arnold, Nottingham NG5 6LU

Click here for the Agenda and Papers

14 September 2023

9am – 12pm, New Arts Exchange, 39-41 Gregory Boulevard, Nottingham, NG7 6BE

Click here for the Agenda and Papers

13 July 2023

9am – 12pm at 9am – 12pm at Chappell Room, Civic Centre Arnot Hill Park Nottingham Road, Arnold, Nottingham NG5 6LU

Click here for the Agenda and Papers

11 May 2023

9am – 12pm at 9am – 12pm at Chappell Room, Civic Centre Arnot Hill Park Nottingham Road, Arnold, Nottingham NG5 6LU

Click for the Agenda and Papers


9 March 2023

9am – 12pm at 9am – 12pm at Chappell Room, Civic Centre Arnot Hill Park Nottingham Road, Arnold, Nottingham NG5 6LU

Click here for the Agenda and Papers

12 January 2023

9am – 11.30pm at Chappell Room, Civic Centre Arnot Hill Park Nottingham Road, Arnold, Nottingham NG5 6LU

Click here for the Agenda and Papers

10 November 2022

9am – 12pm at 9am – 12pm at Chappell Room, Civic Centre Arnot Hill Park Nottingham Road, Arnold, Nottingham NG5 6LU

Click here for the Agenda and Papers

8 September 2022

9am – 12pm at Chappell Room, Civic Centre Arnot Hill Park Nottingham Road, Arnold, Nottingham NG5 6LU

Please take into consideration that roads may be closed due to the Tour of Britain, you can check the route it will take at this link.

Click here for the Agenda and Papers

1 July 2022

9.30am – 12pm at Room GF04, The South Base, Sir John Robinson Way, Arnold, Daybrook, Nottingham, NG5 6DA

Click here for the Agenda.

Click here for the papers

Board Meetings

Meetings of the board are held in person.

Members of the public are invited to attend and observe these meetings and we are happy to answer questions that relate specifically to items on the agenda. However, any questions must be submitted at least two days prior to the meeting taking place. Please note that due to patient confidentiality, we will not be able to discuss questions that relate to individual patient care.

To submit questions, you can:

Write to: Corporate Governance Team, NHS Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICB, Sir John Robinson House, Sir John Robinson Way, Arnold, Nottingham, NG5 6DA

Email:  nnicb-nn.ics@nhs.net

Meetings of the board start at 9am, it is important to arrive before the beginning of the meeting, anyone arriving after the meeting has started, will not be able to join the meeting.

NHS Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICB formed on 1 July 2022. Papers of the meetings of the Governing Bodies of NHS Bassetlaw CCG, can be requested by making a Freedom of Information Request here or you can visit the archived CCG website pages here:

NHS Bassetlaw CCG
