The Personalised Care Institute (PCI) is the home of personalised care education. They are equipping health and care professionals with the knowledge, skills and confidence to help people get more involved in decisions about their care.
Personalised Care eLearning
Personalised Care and Support Planning (PCSP)
Personalised Care and Support Planning (PCSP) – Maternity
NICE Shared decision-making learning package
Shared Decision Making – eLearning for healthcare
Leading Personalised Care as a Junior Doctor
Supporting Link Workers to Deliver Social Prescribing
PRosPer – An introduction to personalised care, prehabilitation and rehabilitation
Live Training Online
Shared Decision-making
A half day workshop, delivered virtually, designed to support practitioners to learn the process of good quality Shared Decision-Making and provide individuals with the knowledge and skills to support them in making decisions about their health and care.
The programme covers:
- Overview of Shared Decision-Making
- Brief introduction to how we make decisions
- Brief introduction to health literacy
- Key elements of a shared decision-making conversation
- Shared decision-making skills and practice.
Book Shared Decision-Making Training
Shared Decision-Making briefing pack (read before the course)
Personalised Care and Support Planning
A half day/3-hour workshop delivered virtually. It is designed to provide practitioners with the knowledge, skills, and techniques to have more personalised conversations with people, understand what matters to them, and work with them to identify solutions to meet their care and support needs.
The programme covers:
- An overview of Personalised Care and Support Planning.
- How to develop Personalised outcomes with people.
- Key elements of a person-centred conversation.
- Skills development and practice for personalised care and support planning conversations.
Book Personalised Care and Support Planning Training
Personalised Care and Support Planning briefing pack (read before the course)
Frequently Asked Questions
What resources does the Personalised Care Institute offer?
There is a huge amount of information on the website. From information on personalised care, the evidence base for it, why and how to do it, webinars and podcasts to blogs, resources for trainers, learners and commissioners, Decision Support Tools.
What Personalised Care Institute training do I need to complete?
The free eLearning modules are suitable for all health and care professionals, regardless of profession or seniority. They are 30-minute modules designed to introduce you to a range of personalised care topics. As a minimum the PCI recommend all staff complete the Core Skills and Shared Decision-Making modules. Which further modules you complete is dependent on which topics are relevant to your role and the skills and knowledge you require. You can log your learning in the eLearning portal for CPD points and a certificate. When completing the online module tick that you work in NHS Nottingham & Nottinghamshire, so we can count the number of people doing the training in our area.
- Core Skills
- Shared decision making
- Personalised care and support planning
- Personalised care and support planning – Maternity
- Leading personalised care as a junior doctor
- Remote consultations
- Personal Health Budgets
- Person Centred Approaches
- Supporting Link Workers to Deliver Social Prescribing
- Healthy Weight Coach
- Making Every Contact Count
How do I access the PCI eLearning?
You need to create an account account by going to Personalised Care Institute: Log in to the site. Under the eLearning tab of the home page click “Start Learning”. Select the module you want to complete and click “Enrol me” at the bottom of the course overview. This will give you access to the course materials, as well as the pre and post course assessments to review the impact of your training. All of the modules you register for are listed on the “My Courses” section of your page on the left-hand side.
Is there Personalised Care training on ESR?
Personalised Care training can be accessed via Home – ESR Hub – NHS Electronic Staff Record by typing HFMA (Healthcare Financial Management Association) into the search bar and scrolling to the Personalised Care modules. The Healthcare Financial Management Association (hfma.org.uk) worked in partnership with NHS England to provide several bitesize online courses free of charge to all NHS staff.
Personalised Care 1: The key to change
Personalised Care 2: Components of Personalised care
Personalised Care 3: The commissioning Cycle
Personalised Care 4: Introduction to Co-production & Personalised Care
Personalised Care 4: Evaluating Personalised Care Approaches
Personalised Care 5: Introduction to digital transformation
Can I do Personalised Care eLearning modules on eLearning for Healthcare?
Whilst the PCI accredited modules are only available via the PCI website, there are numerous modules on the Home – elearning for healthcare (e-lfh.org.uk) that will support your development in Personalised Care and most of them are endorsed by PCI:
Shared Decision Making – elearning for healthcare (e-lfh.org.uk)
Community-centred approaches to health improvement – elearning for healthcare (e-lfh.org.uk) New Roles in Primary Care – elearning for healthcare (e-lfh.org.uk)
Personal Health Budgets – elearning for healthcare (e-lfh.org.uk)
PRosPer – Cancer Prehabilitation and Rehabilitation – elearning for healthcare (e-lfh.org.uk)
PRosPer Long-Term Conditions – elearning for healthcare (e-lfh.org.uk)
Remote Consultations – elearning for healthcare (e-lfh.org.uk)
Social Prescribing – elearning for healthcare (e-lfh.org.uk)
Successful Self Care Aware Consultations – elearning for healthcare (e-lfh.org.uk)
Tackling Loneliness and Social Isolation – elearning for healthcare (e-lfh.org.uk)
The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism – elearning for healthcare (e-lfh.org.uk)
Can I book onto free Personalised Care and Support Planning training?
Personalised Care and Support Planning for teams is a 3 hour training session being provided by the ICS Personalised Care Workforce. The half day training will support participants to understand personalised care and support planning (PCSP) and the value of involving people in the planning and management of their own health and
wellbeing to improve their chances of success.
It is free, PCI accredited and provides CPD points.
Please see above training flyer for booking details.
Please note that places are limited.
Can I book onto free Shared Decision Making training?
Shared Decision Making for teams is a 3 hour training session being provided by the ICS Personalised Care Workforce. The half day training will support participants to understand shared decision making (SDM) and the need for change in current practice. It will enable you to explore the benefits of practicing SDM and the key challenges to implementing it.
It is free, PCI accredited and provides CPD points.
Please see above training flyer for booking details.
Please note that places are limited.
Do we have peoples stories to help bring personalised care to life?
Yes, we are developing a log of peoples stories, both personal and professional to share the impact of personalised care on peoples lives. You can watch films and read the stories People’s stories – NHS Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICB
What other free resources are available to support me to embed Personalised Care?
A Practical Guide to Delivering Personalised Care – NHS Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICB is a collection of models, tips and resources that has been designed as a reference for you to dip in and out of as you see fit to tailor to yours or your teams practice. For example, each page might give you an idea of one question to ask to make your conversations even more person-centred.