Social Prescribing Workforce

Improving access to social prescribing for those who need it most can help improve health outcomes, reduce inequalities and help take pressure off services. This video from @nalwuk offers an overview of proactive social prescribing.
Workforce Development Frameworks – Personalised Care ARR’s roles
Social Prescribing Link Workers
The new workforce development framework for Social Prescribing Link Workers (SPLWs) has been developed to support SPLWs and employers, including Primary Care Networks, to maximise the role’s impact. The framework can help with recruitment and retention.
NHS England » Workforce development framework: social prescribing link workers
Care Coordinators
The new workforce development framework for Care Coordinators (CCs) has been developed to support the improved quality and consistency of CCs and reduce variation in outcomes and access standards. It provides info about training, support and much more.
NHS England » Workforce development framework for care co-ordinators
Health and Wellbeing Coaches
The new workforce development framework for Health and Wellbeing Coaches (HWBCs) has been curated to support the development of a strong and capable workforce of HWBCs. The framework helps to highlights the many benefits of HWBCs within the NHS.
NHS England » Workforce development framework for health and wellbeing coaches
Personal Health Budgets
A personal health budget is an amount of NHS money that is allocated to support your health and wellbeing needs. If you’re eligible for it, you (or someone who represents you), will work with your local NHS team to plan how you spend the money and get the care you need. A personal health budget allows you to manage your healthcare and support such as treatments, equipment and personal care, in a way that suits you. Find out more on the NHS website.