The workforce Personalised Care Hub is a one-stop shop to guide you on how to deliver personalised care and make it real in transformation plans, commissioning, contracts and your day to day work.
Personalised care is rooted in the belief that people ‘want a life not a service’.
Why we need to do it?
Our Personalised Care Strategy
As the complexity and uniqueness of individual needs have changed and expectations towards healthcare have evolved over time, it’s become apparent that there is a fundamental need for personalised care. Choice plays a big factor in everyday life, and that should be no different when it comes to decisions about the care we receive for our physical and mental health.
Personalised Care is not new. It simply means that people have more choice and control when it comes to the way their care is planned and delivered, taking into account individual needs, preferences and circumstances. The strategy outlines the Comprehensive model of personalised care and our 8 key commitments.