Learning from the lives and deaths of people with learning disabilities and autism

The LeDeR programme (learning from the lives and deaths of people with learning disabilities and autism) is a national initiative that aims to improve care for people with learning disabilities and autism.
The Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Care Board has a dedicated LeDeR team that is responsible for coordinating the programme and supporting local healthcare providers to learn from reviews of the lives and deaths of people with learning disabilities and autism.
This report provides an overview of the progress and impact of the LeDeR programme in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire from April 01 2023 to 31 March 2024. The report highlights the key achievements of the programme, as well as the areas where further improvement and development is needed.
Nottingham and Nottinghamshire LeDer Annual Report 2023/24
Nottingham and Nottinghamshire LeDer Annual Report 2023/24 – Easy Read