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Find out about My Life Choices – co-production in action group
It’s Ok to Ask preparing for healthcare appointments and asking questions
Find out how about how personal assistant’s funded with a personal health budget impact on Maresa.
Find out how a personalised care and support plan and personal health budget made a huge difference to Lucy’s life.
My story highlights the challenges faced when transitioning from children’s to adult services with a child who has complex needs. A simple question ‘What do you want to do with your life Karl’ revolutionised our lives and relationships. It was no longer about what was wrong with Karl but what mattered to him.
My story highlights a journey of a lifetime waiting, ‘goal posts’ being changed, being left with no hope, then receiving personalised care, making hard decisions and now looking forward to the future. A simple question “how can I help you?” gave me back hope and something to work towards.
Richard Chapman is a climber and mountaineer with lived experience of trauma and PTSD, following the death of his first child. As time went by, Richard saw more stories in the news and on social media about the health benefits of being in the outdoors – which made him reflect on how the outdoors and climbing had helped him recover. 
“My health programme is personalised, preventative and co-produced.” My story charts the impact of 40 odd years of mental ill-health and how changing to a more personalised approach, where decisions on how to manage or improve my wellbeing are made jointly and in full knowledge of my current life circumstances as well as my life history. This approach has vastly improved outcomes for me and my family.
Personalised care is at the heart of quality interactions with people, leading to better outcomes. It relies on people who use services being empowered to ask questions and identify things that are important to them as well as those involved in their care actively listening and using this information to tailor and personalise their care, support and treatment.