Our Constitution

The ICB’s Constitution describes the governing principles, rules and procedures that we have established to ensure probity and accountability in the day to day running of our ICB. It sets out our commitment to ensuring that decisions are taken in an open and transparent way and that the interests of patients and the public remain central at all times.
Appended to this constitution are the Standing Orders which set out the arrangements and procedures to be used for meetings and the processes to appoint the ICB committees.
The constitution is also supported by the following document, which provide further details on how governance arrangements in the ICB operate:
ICB Governance Handbook
The ICB Governance Handbook brings includes:
- Terms of reference for all committees and sub-committees for all committees and sub-committees of the Board that exercise ICB functions.
- Terms of reference of any joint committee of the ICB and one or more other body (another ICB, NHS England, an NHS trust, NHS foundation trust, local authority, combined authority or any other prescribed body).
- Primary Medical Services – the up-to-date list of eligible providers.
The following documents are appended to the Governance Handbook:
Standing Financial Instructions
The Standing Financial Instructions set out the arrangements for managing the ICB’s financial affairs and the delegated limits for financial commitments on behalf of the ICB.
View the Standing Financial Instructions
Scheme of Reservation and Delegation
The Scheme of Reservation and Delegation sets out those functions and decisions that are reserved to the Board and those that have been delegated to the Board’s committees and sub-committees and to ICB employees. In accordance with the powers of the ICB, the Scheme of Reservation and Delegation also sets out any functions that have been delegated to other bodies or to joint committees established with other bodies in line with sections 65Z5 and 65Z6 of the 2006 Act. The Scheme of Reservation and Delegation also sets out how any functions delegated to the ICB (for example from NHS England or another ICB) will be exercised.
Review the Scheme of Reservation and Delegation
Functions and Decisions Map
The Functions and Decisions Map is a high level structural chart that sets out which key decisions are delegated and taken by which part or parts of the system. The Functions and Decisions Map also includes decision making responsibilities that are delegated to the ICB (for example, from NHS England).
View the Functions and Decisions Map
Key Policies and Procedures
This constitution is also supported by the following policies:
- Standards of Business Conduct Policy which incorporates the ICB’s policy and procedures for the identification and management of conflicts of interest.
- Public Involvement and Engagement Policy describes the ICB’s approach to ensure public involvement and engagement in the development, implementation and review of health and care policies and services across the statutory organisation.
View our key policies and procedures.