Our Spend

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We are committed to using public money to improve your health and to provide safe, high quality services while working to help you stay healthy.

This page includes financial information relating to projected and actual income, expenditure and financial audits.

Financial information about the ICB will be made available here as it is produced.  If the information you require is not available, you can request the information by making a Freedom of Information Request.

Annual Accounts

When published, the Annual Accounts 2022/23 will be published with the ICB Annual Reports on the website here.

Financial Performance and Plans

NHS England has decided to accept from the ICB the enforcement undertakings in connection with NHS England’s functions under the National Health Service Act 2006, as amended (NHS Act 2006).

The Finance and Performance Committee, which is a committee of the Board, exists to:

  • Scrutinise arrangements for ensuring the delivery of the ICB’s statutory financial duties and joint financial planning duties with its partner NHS Trust and NHS Foundation Trusts.
  • Oversee the ICB’s performance management framework, including scrutiny of identified action plans to address shortfalls in performance against national and local health targets and performance standards

The Committee will provide assurance to the Board that it is effectively discharging its delegated responsibilities, as set out in these terms of reference, by providing an assurance report to the Board following each of the Committee’s meetings; summarising the items discussed, decisions made and any specific areas of concern that warrant immediate Board attention

View the latest papers and papers from previous meetings of the ICB.

Staff organogram

Following a letter from the Department of Health and Social Care on 9 December 2022, all ICBs have been asked to publish an anonymised organogram.

The organogram (also known as an organisation chart) shows the structure of teams within the ICB, including the number of staff in each team and at each grade and the total cost per team.

This will help you to understand how ICBs are structured including which roles report to others and also highlight the work being done to deliver integrated care.

View the organogram here.

Making Timely Payments

The Better Payments Practice Code requires that all valid invoices should be paid by their due date or within 30 days of receipt, whichever is later. We are measured in terms of both the number and value of invoices received, against an NHS target to pay over 95% of trade creditors in accordance with the code.

Senior Manager salary and pension allowances

Details of senior management salary and pension allowances can be found within the Remuneration Report of the Annual Report and Accounts. Click here to view the Annual Reports and Accounts.

Within the Remuneration Report, senior managers are defined as being ‘those persons in senior positions having authority or responsibility for directing or controlling the major activities of the ICB’. This means those who influence the decisions of the organisation as a whole, rather than the decisions of individual directorates or departments. As such, where this report discusses ‘Senior Managers’, we are referring to as members of our ICB Board and Governing Body.

Click on this section for information on procurement, provider selection processes and contracts awarded
