Romanian Community engagement – Childhood Immunisation and Vaccination

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This website has been developed to support Romanian residents of Nottingham City to access information and support relating to the vaccinations and immunisations of children aged 0 – 5 years of age.
We are delighted to announce that a dedicated Community Engagement Officer, Andreea Buleandra is now working in Nottingham City. Andreea will work with Romanian communities across the area. She will start by working closely with GP practices in Nottingham City East, this is Sneinton, St Ann’s and some of the city centre.
Andreea will work with communities to:
- Share information about the need for childhood vaccines and immunisations and how they work
- Give you information on how you can access FREE vaccines and immunisations for your children or register vaccines they have had in Romanian
- Help answer any questions or address any fears that might stop you from accessing a vaccine or an immunisation for your children
Andreea will providing regular updates about the work she is doing and how you can get involved on this website.
We understand that accessing services can be difficult when they aren’t available in Romanian. Andreea will be there to speak with residents in Romanian, provide guidance and help with appointments and other practical support.