
Flu occurs every year, usually in the winter, which is why it’s sometimes called seasonal flu. It is caused by influenza viruses that infect the windpipe and lungs, and because it’s caused by viruses and not bacteria, antibiotics won’t treat it.
The best protection against flu is the flu vaccine. It is safe and effective and it’s offered every year on the NHS to help protect people at risk of flu and its complications.
The best time to have the flu vaccine is in the autumn before flu starts spreading.
Who can have the flu vaccine?
The flu vaccine is given free on the NHS to adults who:
- are aged 65 or over
- have certain long-term health conditions
- are pregnant
- live in a care home
- are the main carer for an older or disabled person, or receive a carer’s allowance
- live with someone who has a weakened immune system
- a frontline health and social care worker
The nasal spray flu vaccine is free on the NHS for:
- children aged 2 or 3 years
- all primary school children (reception to year 6)
- all year 7 to year 11 children in secondary school
- children aged 2 to 17 years with long-term health conditions
Flu vaccine for people with long term health conditions
The flu vaccine is offered free on the NHS to people with certain long-term health conditions, including:
- conditions that affect your breathing, such as asthma (needing a steroid inhaler or tablets), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or cystic fibrosis
- heart conditions, such as coronary heart disease or heart failure
- chronic kidney disease
- liver disease, such as cirrhosis or hepatitis
- some conditions that affect your brain or nerves, such as Parkinson’s disease, motor neurone disease, multiple sclerosis or cerebral palsy
- diabetes or Addison’s disease
- a weakened immune system due to a condition such as HIV or AIDS, or due to a treatment such as chemotherapy or steroid medicine
- problems with your spleen, such as sickle cell disease, or if you’ve had your spleen removed
- a learning disability
- being very overweight – a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or above
Speak to your GP surgery or specialist if you have a health condition and you’re not sure if you’re eligible for the flu vaccine.
When you should have the flu vaccine
Most eligible adults will be able to get the flu vaccine from 3 October 2024.
This may be later than you’ve had the vaccine before, but it means you’ll have the best protection when flu is most widespread.
Some people may have their vaccination from September 2024, including if:
- you’re pregnant (especially if you’re near to your due date) – it’s important to get vaccinated before giving birth to help protect yourself and your baby for the first few months of their life
- you’re due to have treatment that will weaken your immune system (such as chemotherapy) – the vaccine may be given before treatment starts because it works better if given when your immune system is stronger
Speak to your GP for advice if you think you need to have the vaccine earlier than October.
Where to get the flu vaccine?
You can have the NHS flu vaccine at:
- your GP surgery
- a pharmacy offering the service – if you’re aged 18 or over. Find a pharmacy on the NHS website.
- some maternity services if you’re pregnant
- Special children’s flu clinics
- Sometimes, you might be offered the flu vaccine at a hospital appointment.
If you have a flu vaccine at any NHS service except your GP surgery, you do not have to tell the surgery to update your records. This will be done for you. If you’ve been given a flu vaccine privately, or through an occupational health scheme, you can tell your GP surgery if you would like it added to your NHS record.
Flu catch-up clinics for school aged children
Additional clinics have been arranged for school aged children to receive the flu nasal vaccine. These are for children who did not receive their vaccine at school or who are home schooled.
The clinics are appointment only. For more information or to book an appointment please call IntraHealth on 0333 358 3397 (option 4)
- Thursday 19 December 2024 (2.30 – 5.30pm): Stapleford Care Centre, Church Street, Stapleford NG9 8DB.
- Friday 20 December 2024 (2 – 6pm): Arnbrook Family Hub, Bestwood Lodge Dr, Arnold, NG5 8NE (Located off Home Close. What 3 words: rise.broke.stump)
- Friday 20 December 2024 (9.30am – 4pm): Intrahealth, Unit 2A, East Bridgford Industrial Estate, Kneesall Road, East Bridgford, NG13 8PJ.
- Monday 23 December (10am – 4pm): Mansfield Woodhouse Childrens Centre, Mansfield Woodhouse CC, Swan Ln, Mansfield Woodhouse, Mansfield NG19 8BT.
- Monday 30 December (10am – 4pm): Boots Victoria Centre, 11-19 Lower Parliament St, Nottingham NG1 3QS.
Flu vaccine if you’re pregnant
You should have the flu vaccine if you’re pregnant to help protect you and your baby. It’s safe to have a flu vaccine at any stage of pregnancy. Find out more about flu vaccine in pregnancy
How do you catch flu?
When an infected person coughs or sneezes, they spread the flu virus in tiny droplets of saliva over a wide area. These droplets can then be breathed in by other people or they can be picked up by touching surfaces where the droplets have landed.
You can prevent the spread of the virus by covering your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze, and you can wash your hands frequently or use hand gels to reduce the risk of picking up the virus.
But the best way to avoid catching and spreading flu is by having the vaccination before the flu season starts.
Flu symptoms:
Flu symptoms come on very quickly and can include:
- a sudden high temperature of 38C or above
- an aching body
- feeling tired or exhausted
- a dry cough
- a sore throat
- a headache
- difficulty sleeping
- loss of appetite
- diarrhoea or tummy pain
- feeling sick and being sick
The symptoms are similar for children, but they can also get pain in their ear and appear less active.
How effective is the flu vaccine?
- The flu vaccine gives the best protection against flu
- Flu vaccines help protect against the main types of flu viruses, although there’s still a chance you might get flu
- If you do get flu after vaccination, it’s likely to be milder and not last as long
- Having the flu vaccine will also stop you spreading flu to other people who may be more at risk of serious problems from flu
- It can take 10 to 14 days for the flu vaccine to work
For more information, visit the NHS website.
More information and other formats
- GOV.UK: flu vaccination: who should have it this winter and why (including how to request an accessible version)
- GOV.UK: flu vaccination easy read guides