I have been diagnosed with type 1 or type 2 diabetes
Diabetes UK offer a large range of information to help you live well with your condition including:
- eating healthily as well as recipes
- advice about driving
- emotional wellbeing
- treatments

You may have noticed that your diabetes care looks a bit different as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. You need certain health checks when you have diabetes – also called your annual review – read about what care to expect:
What health checks can I expect?
You are entitled to free diabetes checks every year – also known as the 15 health care essentials
When you have diabetes, you’re entitled to certain checks, tests and services every year such as eye screening and foot checks. These will help you manage your diabetes and they’re all free – read about the diabetes checks you should get on the Diabetes UK website, or take this handy 15 healthcare essentials check list to your GP.
When you are eligible for diabetic eye screening, you will receive an invitation by letter with a list of screening locations close to your postcode so you can choose where the screening will be carried out. You can also see this list online, and read more about your eye screening appointment
Diabetes and pregnancy
There are a number of resources for women with diabetes who are currently pregnant, are planning for pregnancy or are currently using/looking to use contraception. Please make use of the digital leaflet Sex, Contraception and Pregnancy information for women with Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes.
The leaflet can be downloaded in the following languages:
Understanding your condition – useful resources
Whether you have diabetes or want helpful tips for a loved one, or need information in different languages, here are a list of useful resources:
Learning Zone: Discover more about your diabetes and how to manage it day-to-day
T1 resources: Learn more about Type 1 Diabetes
Information in different languages from Diabetes UK
NHS England » Decision support tool: making a decision about managing type 1 diabetes