Provider Selection and Contracts Awarded

Details of what services the ICB buys, how the ICB procures services and details of our providers can be found in this section.
Procurement Policy
Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICB has a responsibility to ensure that it has a
consistent, transparent and effective approach to the procurement, commissioning and
contract management of goods, services and works.
The Procurement Policy outlines key principles and considerations that will inform
decision-making. The policy takes into account current competition and procurement rules and will be updated in line with any changes to UK/EU legislation and NHS Policy.
Click here to go o the “Our Policies and Procedures” section of the website.
An amended version of the Policy which incorporates the requirements of the Provider Selection Regime (PSR) which came into force on 1 January 2024 will be published shortly.
Provider Selection Regime for Healthcare Services
The Provider Selection Regime (PSR) came into force on 1 January 2024.
The PSR is a set of rules for procuring health care services in England by organisations termed relevant authorities. Relevant authorities are:
- NHS England
- Integrated care boards (ICBs)
- NHS trusts and NHS foundation trusts
- Local authorities and combined authorities
The PSR does not apply to the procurement of goods or non-health care services (unless as part of a mixed procurement), irrespective of whether these are procured by relevant authorities.
The PSR was introduced by regulations made under the Health and Care Act 2022. In keeping with the intent of the Act, the PSR has been designed to:
- introduce a flexible and proportionate process for deciding who should provide health care services
- provide a framework that allows collaboration to flourish across systems
- ensure that all decisions are made in the best interest of patients and service users.
Award of Contracts
Transparency Notices
The ICB as a relevant authority is required to be transparent about their decision making under the PSR. This is to ensure that the system is fully informed about the decisions that are being taken.
The ICB publishes its transparency notices on the Find a Tender Service (FTS).
Provider Representations
Following direct award process C, the most suitable provider process, or the competitive process and the publication of the intention to award a contract notice (transparency notice), a standstill period must be observed for eight working days. During this period representations can be made and responded to as appropriate. Representations should be made to
If no representations are received before midnight at the end of the 8th working day after the day the standstill period begins, the standstill period can come to an end, and the contract will be awarded to the selected provider.
Patient Choice Accreditation
Under National Choice Rules providers of consultant led services that meet the definition of choice have a right to a contract if they can pass the Integrated Care Boards’ (ICB) accreditation process and are able to deliver the ICBs’ service specification for that service. Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICB have a process for interested providers who wish to be accredited. The process is split into three phases:
- Phase 1. Accreditation – All providers will be asked to register their request for accreditation via the Patient Choice Accreditation Inbox – The accreditation questionnaire will then be shared with the provider for completion confirming the next available date of a Choice Accreditation Panel. The purpose of the accreditation questionnaire is to assess providers against a standard set of questions to assure the ICB that the provider is a suitable provider that the ICB is confident to contract with. This process will be similar to the process undertaken for competitive tenders and Any Qualified Provider (AQP) processes. Once the ICB receives the completed questionnaire it will be assessed by the Choice Accreditation Panel.
- Phase 2. Service Specification – as part of the accreditation questionnaire providers will be asked to indicate what services they wish to deliver. If the provider passes the accreditation process, they will be asked to demonstrate how they will deliver the service specification relevant to the service they wish to provide. This will then be further assessed to ensure the service model is compliant with the service specification. This will be achieved via assessment of the response and confirmation to the provider within a six-week period and a contract will be established.
- Phase 3. Contract Award – If both the above processes are complete and the provider is deemed suitable and able to deliver services on behalf of the ICB a contract will be awarded.
The Patient Choice Accreditation Panel meets on a bi-monthly basis. Please submit responses to phase 1 and 2 seven working days before a Panel meeting.
The dates of the upcoming Panel meetings are 4 April 2025, 13 June 2025, 15 August 2025, 17 October 2025 and 12 December 2025.
Contracts Register
All contracts from the legacy organisations of NHS Nottingham and Nottingham CCG and NHS Bassetlaw CCG were transferred to NHS Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICB on 1 July 2022. The ICB’s contracts register is a dynamic document which is continuously reviewed to ensure it is accurate and reflective of the newly established statutory body.
You can search for all of Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICB contracts that are currently out for tender on the Contracts Finder website