Our Priorities

“The change we want to see in our health and care system will be driven by our Places and Neighbourhoods (PCNs) – as vibrant collaboratives that can take the strategic direction and implement it creatively with our citizens and partners.”
– Dr Kathy McLean, Chair

Our ambition – over the next few years – is to make a real difference to citizens’ health and wellbeing, quality of service delivery and use of resources.
Our philosophy is to build on what is working well and to act as one system, rather than a collection of organisations.
Whilst we still have considerable work to do, we believe we can enable each and every citizen to enjoy their best possible health and wellbeing.
Our public, which from July 2022 will include the people of Bassetlaw, deserve no less.
Our priorities:
- the local NHS budget – planning and commissioning of services working closely with partners across the system
- the delivery of high quality and safe local health and care services
- producing a five-year delivery plan.
The ICB will also take on additional functions previously held by CCGs and some additional commissioning responsibilities, such as primary care, dentistry, optometry, and pharmaceutical all previously held by NHS England.
Bringing together all NHS organisations in the area as an NHS executive, the ICB will manage NHS delivery and facilitate the work of the Integrated Care System, including supporting the coordination and implementation of our Integrated Care Strategy.
Read about our plans.
How we are doing:
Annual Report and Accounts
The ICB has a statutory duty to produce an annual report and accounts for the previous financial year. The report includes:
- The Performance Report – This section of the report includes an overview of our organisation and its purpose and provides a summary of how we have performed over the last year and the key risks and issues we have faced. This section also includes a more detailed performance analysis, which provides further information about how we have performed this year and how the ICB has met its statutory duties across several key areas.
- The Accountability Report – This describes how we meet key accountability requirements and embody best practice to comply with corporate governance norms and regulations.
The Annual Report and Accounts for the first year of the ICB will be published in the section below entitled Annual Reports and Accounts.
The Annual Report and Accounts for the predecessor organisations of NHS Nottingham and Nottinghamshire CCG and NHS Bassetlaw CCG can also be found in this section.
Annual Assessment of Performance:
The ICB is subject to an annual assessment of its performance by NHS England which is also required to publish a report containing a summary of the results of its assessment. When published a link to this report will be made available.