Get Involved

How we involve people
We want to have a real understanding of what matters to our population.
We are committed to ensuring that the views of patients, carers, stakeholders, partner organisations and the wider community are represented in decisions about how services are proposed, planned and delivered, and how they can be improved.
We involve patients and the public in our work in a number of ways which include:
- Targeted programmes of engagement
- Formal public consultations when there is a substantial variation or development in a service
- Patient Participation Groups which involve patients about the range and quality of services provided by their GP practice and how commissioners plan services
- Annual general meetings (AGMs)
- Community engagement events
- Conversations via our social media channels.
- Citizens’ Panel
- Co-production programmes
- Our Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Public and Patient Insights Hub
The NHS Act (2006) and Health and Social Care Act (2012) underline the importance of including local people in our work.
NHS Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICB formed on 1 July 2022. Previous Engagement Annual Reports from NHS Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Clinical Commissioning Group can be requested by making a Freedom of Information Request here.