Committees of the Board

Committees of the Board
A summary of the Board’s committees along with the ratified minutes is provided below.
The terms of reference of the Board’s committees and sub-committees are set out in the Governance Handbook with can be read be viewed here.
Strategic Planning and Integration Committee

The Strategic Planning and Integration Committee exists to exercise the ICB’s duties and powers to commission certain health services, as set out in sections 3 and 3A of the NHS Act 2006 (as amended by the Health and Care Act 2022), other than those explicitly delegated elsewhere.
The remit of the Committee also incorporates the relevant requirements set out within the Delegation Agreement between NHS England and the ICB (Primary Medical Services), insofar as they relate to the planning, design and commissioning of primary medical services.
In exercising these functions, the Committee will make strategic commissioning decisions in order to further the four aims of the ICS to: improve outcomes in population health and healthcare; tackle inequalities in outcomes, experience and access; enhance productivity and value for money; and help the NHS support broader social and economic development.
When making decisions, the Committee will actively promote system development in line with the principles of subsidiarity and collaboration, and ensure compliance with the general duties of ICBs, public sector equality duties, the rules set out in NHS Provider Selection Regime (or existing procurement rules until the PSR comes into effect) and will operate in line with the ICB’s Scheme of Reservation and Delegation.
The Committee will also oversee:
- Arrangements for developing the ICB’s joint forward plan.
- Ongoing system developments in line with the underlying principles of subsidiarity and collaboration. As part of this work, the Committee will oversee the development of proposals for onward approval by the Board regarding the delegation of functions to be exercised by, or jointly with partners, within a place or at scale, in line with secondary legislation and statutory guidance issued by NHS England.
- Development of applications to NHS England for further delegated functions
Quality and People Committee

The Quality and People Committee exists to ensure that the ICB is:
- Meeting its statutory requirements with regard to continuous quality improvements and enabling a single understanding of and shared commitment to quality care across the system that is safe, effective, equitable, and that provides a personalised experience and improved outcomes.
- Developing robust arrangements with partners to support ‘one workforce’ by leading system development and implementation of the ICS People Plan.
The Committee also scrutinises the robustness of safeguarding, medicines management and research arrangements, compliance with equality legislation (including the Public Sector Equality Duty), and effectiveness of patient and public engagement arrangements. The remit of the Committee incorporates the relevant requirements set out within the Delegation Agreement between NHS England and the ICB (Primary Medical Services), insofar as they relate to quality and people.
Finance and Performance Committee

The Finance and Performance Committee exists to:
- Scrutinise arrangements for ensuring the delivery of the ICB’s statutory financial duties in line with sections 223GB to 223N of the NHS Act 2006 (as amended by the Health and Care Act 2022).
- Oversee the ICB’s performance management framework, including scrutiny of actions to:
- Tackle heath inequalities and deliver improved health outcomes; and
- Address shortfalls in performance against national and local health targets and performance standards.
The Committee is also responsible for scrutinising the ICB’s arrangements and delivery in relation to operational planning, estates, environmental sustainability (including statutory duties as to climate change) and data and digital, ensuring continuous improvements in performance and outcomes. The Committee also oversights non-healthcare contracts. The remit of the Committee incorporates the relevant requirements set out within the Delegation Agreement between NHS England and the ICB (Primary Medical Services), insofar as they relate to finance, performance and estates.
Audit and Risk Committee

The Audit and Risk Committee exists to:
- Review the establishment and maintenance of an effective system of integrated governance, risk management and internal control, across the whole of the ICB’s activities that supports the achievement of the organisation’s objectives.
- Provide the Board with an independent and objective view of the ICB’s financial systems, financial information and compliance with the laws, regulations and directions governing the ICB in as far as they relate to finance.
- Scrutinise every instance of non-compliance with the ICB’s Standing Orders, Scheme of Reservation and Delegation and Standing Financial Instructions and monitor compliance with the ICB’s Standards of Business Conduct Policy.
- Approve the ICB’s Annual Report and Accounts.
The Committee is also responsible for overseeing the ICB’s compliance with the regulatory requirements for information governance, health and safety and emergency preparedness. The Committee will also monitor progress against the ICB’s overarching policy work programme.