Discharge from hospital
Health and social care partners across Nottingham and Nottinghamshire are committed to ensuring that you are discharged from hospital as soon as is it safe to do so. Research shows that people recover better at home and any longer hospitals stays can lead to increased risk of falling, lack of sleep, catching infections and physical decline. We want to help you leave hospital as soon as your treatment has been completed. Your recovery can continue in the community.
We have a ‘home first’ approach to discharge because for 95% of people home is the right place to go, to recover or have further health and care support.
We will ensure that:
- Nobody stays in a hospital setting any longer than is necessary.
- Less people are exposed to additional and avoidable risks of infection.
- Those who need acute care in a hospital can have that care when they need it.
- People do not loose muscle strength from staying in bed for long periods.
- Assessments and decisions about long term care are made outside of an acute hospital.
As soon as you are becoming ready for discharge the hospital staff will speak to you and your family about what you are able to do for yourself and what support you may need with day to day living. This will then be discussed by a team of community health and social care professionals who will agree the right discharge plan for you.
This will most often be returning you to your home with support – it might be moving to a community unit – a temporary care setting for further recovery, rehabilitation and reablement or in a small number of cases a nursing and residential home may be the best place if returning home is highly unlikely due to your ill health or support needs being too complex. You will receive an assessment for any long-term care.
How can you help with your discharge?
There are a few things that you can do to make sure you are ready to be discharged. You may need to ask your family or friends to support with these?
- Arranging for someone to collect you from hospital and take you home. Hospital transport is limited and has strict rules.
- Making sure you have a key to get into the property.
- Making sure there are groceries at home to support recovery.
- Making sure you have the right clothes and shoes to leave in.
- Speak to staff about the suitability of your home for any equipment that is required to support recovery.
Important: If you feel that your home is unhabitable, or if you do not have a fixed abode, please let staff know as soon as you arrive at hospital so that advice and guidance can be provided.
You can read more information on leaving hospital and looking after family or friends after they leave hospital.
Where best next?
Home with support
Community health and social care services provide homecare to support your recovery, rehabilitation and reablement in your own home if you are eligible. After you have had a chance to recover and rehabilitate at home, your local authority (council) will assess your ongoing health and care needs and help you to put a plan in place.
Your local council will assess your need which will include a financial assessment to decide how much, if any financial contribution is required. They also have access to range of advice and information should additional help be required.
- Nottingham City residents
Financial and legal support – Nottingham City Council
- Nottinghamshire County residents
Paying for support | Nottinghamshire County Council
Community Unit
If your care needs cannot be met where you usually live and you need further recovery rehabilitation and reablement, the Transfer of Care team will arrange for you to move temporarily to a community unit. This will be for a short amount of time for health and care staff to support you to become more independent and assess for your long term needs outside of the hospital environment.
Nursing or residential care home
In a small number of cases, a nursing and residential home may be the best place if it’s highly unlikely you can return home due to your ill health or support needs being too complex.
Care homes – Social care and support guide – NHS (www.nhs.uk)
Care homes | Information and Advice | Age UK
Your local council will be able to help you further:
- Nottingham City Council
Adult Social Care – Nottingham City Council
- Nottinghamshire County Council
Care and support in Nottinghamshire | Nottinghamshire County Council
Health needs
If your needs are very complex, an NHS Continuing Healthcare assessment can be completed, which will determine what care package can be provided by the NHS and what funding contribution will be available from the NHS to support the needs whether this be in their own home or in a care home. In addition, the NHS may also be able to provide NHS funded nursing care contributions for people with low level nursing needs.